Corporate Volunteering Days

Volunteers at Oak Tree are highly valued and the work they do is vital to support all the cats, dogs and horses we care for at Oak Tree Farm.

Volunteer Application Form

On our Corporate Volunteering Days, you'll be able to get hands-on with various tasks, you'll also be given a tour and get plenty of time for a bite to eat in our Tearoom. The day will run from 10.00am to 3.00pm, with one hour for lunch.

Tasks could include:

  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • Construction
  • Cleaning stable yard
  • Sorting and organising
  • Crafting

Get in touch to book and find out more, email or call 01228 560082.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you send Corporate Volunteering Day confirmation letters so I can show my boss?

Yes, please do! You will receive a confirmation after you have booked. You can arrange a confirmation email to be sent to your company by contacting

What is the minimum and maximum number of people that can attend?

You can come alone but you must note that during some tasks you will not be supervised. The maximum number of attendees is 10. 

What is the age limit for Corporate Volunteering Days?

All volunteers at Oak Tree Animals' Charity must be 16 or over.

Could we attend a volunteering day after work in the evening?

Oak Tree's operating hours are 8.00am to 4.00pm. The Corporate Volunteering Days are planned in advance and are run between 10.00am to 3.00pm.

What should I wear?

Oak Tree Farm is an operational farm evnironment, so we recommend sturdy shoes, walking boots or wellies on a wet day and bring along a waterproof jacket just in case. Please do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes. You will be required to wear a volunteer badge; this will be given to you during the safety talk in the morning.

I am not able to stand for long periods of time or I have a disability, can I still attend?

Absolutely, just let us know in advance of any support you may need (eg. disabilities or allergies) and we can plan the day accordingly. 

Travelling to Oak Tree Farm is a problem for me, would it be possible to complete a Corporate Volunteering Day in one of your charity shops instead?

Yes, just contact and this can be arranged with one of our Shop Managers.

Do you have parking?

Yes, parking is free at Oak Tree Farm and there are parking options at all our Charity Shops.

Is lunch provided?

Lunch is not provided. Our Tearoom is open 10.00am to 4.00pm where you can purchase food, and if you show your volunteering badge you will receive a volunteer discount. Or you can bring your own lunch and eat this in our Education Room or around the site on one of the benches. 

Can we take photographs around the Oak Tree Farm site?

Yes, Oak Tree Farm is open to the public so photos can be taken, however, please don't use flash photography near the animals. 

Volunteer Application Form

If you have any questions regarding this volunteer role, please email