

Owned by Oak Tree

Looking after rescue animals can be very rewarding but there are also bittersweet times if one of them becomes seriously ill while in our care. We are heartbroken to have to announce that one of our much loved, longer term dogs, Bella, has recently succumbed to a very swift acting and aggressive form of cancer. We all dearly want a happy-ever-after ending for the dogs in our care and although it did not happen for Bella, we like to think that she was happy with us. Bella slipped away with dignity, surrounded by the people who loved and cared for her. Often referred to as ‘Princess’, Bella enjoyed being a diva. She spent much of her daytime in the office being pampered. She loved her walks but woe betide any cat that dared to pop up in front of her. She had a special harness made as she would wriggle out of conventional ones. Bella was our very own ‘Naughty But Nice’ and much loved dog.

Our pets live on through our memories...

Oak Tree has been helping animals throughout their lives for over 100 years, and through your legacy, you could be a part of ensuring their future.

Your Legacy

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